Aaniin Curve Lake,

We would like to start off by once again reminding everyone that the safest place still remains your home without visitors. We remain committed to supporting our residents who feel it is in their best interest to stay home.

You will see in the news today that Peterborough Public Health will be requiring all businesses to have a policy requiring masks while customers are inside the business. This policy requires anyone who is able to wear a mask to do so. It does not require those who have respiratory issues or small children to wear a mask. It does not require businesses to refuse entry to those who are unable to wear a mask.

Peterborough Public Health has advised us that if 80% of the population wears a mask, the risks of spreading COVID-19 are significantly reduced when unable to physically distance. Given the increased risk to many of our community members, Curve Lake Chief and Council have agreed that the requirement of businesses to have a policy about masks should also apply in our community. The result is that you will see Peterborough Public Health has included Curve Lake in their announcement today.

We will be looking to implement a similar policy at all Curve Lake operated-buildings. This policy will require anyone attending a Curve Lake owned building to wear a mask. Special consideration will be given to our Church services. Please remember – wearing a mask protects everyone around you. You may be spreading germs without having any symptoms of illness.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chief, any Councillor, or our pandemic coordinator Kayla Stephenson at kstephenson@loomex.ca.