Aaniin Curve Lake,
When I ran for Chief I committed to being open and accountable to you – I think this is important for all leaders in our community and I continue to look for creative ways to bring information to you. I’m always happy to hear from you with your concerns. I continue to invite you to reach out to me!
Please take this as formal notice that I will be away from the office for the first time since becoming Chief from November 3-6, 2020. Deputy Chief Jeffrey Jacobs will be available by phone and email (JeffJ@curvelake.ca) in my absence. While I am taking time off, I remain committed to our community and will be available in any emergency.
Further, as we review the Chief and Council Policy and Guidelines I will be looking to include this notice as a standard requirement. Giving notice when the Chief of our community takes multiple days out of communication is not something that has been done here in Curve Lake, but is done at other organizations, such as Chiefs of Ontario. It is a good practice for accountability to community. Please feel free to share your suggestions with me too.
Should you have any questions or if you are interested in setting up a one-on-one ‘virtual coffee’ with me please feel free to reach out by email at emilyw@curvelake.ca.
Chief Emily Whetung