November 22nd, 2017
The Anishinabek Police Service Curve Lake Detachment is appealing for your assistance.
On November 13, 2017, between the hours of 5:00 and 6:30 pm someone or a group of people attended to the Curve Lake Cenotaph and destroyed the wreaths and decorations in place from the Remembrance Day Ceremony.
These wreaths were laid in recognition of honouring our ancestors and elders who fought for our Nations. Your assistance with identifying the individuals responsible for this disgraceful and disrespectful act is needed.
Please contact the Anishinabek Police Service at 705-657-8892 with any information.
There was also vandalism that occurred at the community water station in October. It has now been closed for the winter months. The station will be open for members to use in the spring. Please refrain from removing any part of the spouts as this will result in the community water station being CLOSED.
ANISHINABEK POLICE SERVICE NOTICE – Cenotaph vandalism and Community Water Station