The Energy Efficiency Initiative has extended the deadline for applications from residents in Curve Lake First Nation.

The Energy Efficiency Initiative has extended the deadline for applications from residents in Curve Lake First Nation.  Don’t miss out on your chance to participate in Free energy-efficient upgrades, such as light bulbs, appliances and more, are available through the First Nations Conservation Program. There’s no cost to you. You...

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Curve Lake First Nation works in collaboration with Peterborough County on Age-Friendly Plan!

The Age-friendly planning process is being led by the Peterborough Council on Aging. It is a community collaborative working to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of older adults in the Peterborough region. Age-friendly planning crosses a number of socio-economic areas including: Community support and health services Respect and social...

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Deadline extension on the Energy Efficiency Initiative – First Nation Conservation Program – Friday, January 26th, 2018

The Energy Efficiency Initiative has extended the deadline for applications from residents in Curve Lake First Nation.  Don’t miss out on your chance to participate in Free energy-efficient upgrades, such as light bulbs, appliances and more, are available through the First Nations Conservation Program. There’s no cost to you. You...

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