CLFN 2022 Pow Wow Poll




  1. Reply
    Carolyn Day says:

    Should be opened to the membership and public.

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    Hanna Jacobs says:

    More relaxing and enjoy it more with less people.

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    Alexis Linkert says:

    Two day pow wow!:)

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    Andrew Taylor says:

    Would like to see more than just one day for the CLFN PowWow and for more people to enjoy it. Miigwetch

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    Irv Taylor says:

    Two days with everyone you have to make money plus show other Our culture

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    Deborah Jacobs says:

    I would love a two day pow wow to celebrate us and what a amazing community we are lots of good venders and crafters and food . Dancing singing pow wow games a real great time !!!

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    Laura Coppaway says:

    Why was there not a day for Curve Lake Members only and then one day for others as an option?

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      Kathy Knott says:

      I agree that is a good option

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    Barbara Thompson says:

    Having a two day Powwow would work. Meegwetch.😉

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    Janice McCue says:

    I agree with Laura…the question is too cut and dried. One day for members, one day for others.

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    Nickie T says:

    Why is a 2 day CLFN member
    and resident-only Pow Wow not an option?

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    Mallory Rose says:

    There are so many reasons why the pow wow should be open to everyone. But I’ll just say 1 which is that the last two years being members-only limited the event to only one food vendor that couldn’t possibly feed everyone. We all look forward to pow wow food! 🙂

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      Danielle Coppaway says:

      We also have a lot of our own members that know how to cook bake and make delicious traditional food. I would rather support our own when given the opportunity.

    • Reply
      Danielle Coppaway says:

      We also have a lot of our own members that know how to cook bake and make delicious traditional food. I would rather support our own when given the opportunity

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    Kathy knott says:

    I like the option of 1 day members/residents and second day open. Although it may be confusing for some

  13. Reply
    Kathy knott says:

    I like the option of 1 day members/residents and second day open. Although it may be confusing for some

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      Patti Taylor says:

      I think the pow wow should be one day for band members only and the second day for everyone.

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    Danielle coppaway says:

    Yes I agree I thought there was supposed to be a one day option for members and the second day be open to the public. I don’t remember anybody asking for it to be only one day and members only

  15. Reply
    Danielle Coppaway says:

    I thought the option was supposed to be one day community members only and the second day open to the public or vice versa. It is nice to be able to let our children run around and experience their friends cousins and community without the threat of unknown strangers wondering about. It gives us a sense of community again being able to interact with one’s we may not otherwise see.

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    Vanessa Taylor Boudreault says:

    Pow Wows are gatherings and celebrations of the culture, a homecoming of all relations, building good relations with other First Nations and neighbouring communities. Vendors come to Curve Lake as it is one of the bigger ones on the Pow Wow Trail, more food vendors should be in plans. Curve Lake Pow Wows have always been open to everyone. Indigenous Day June 21 would be a suggestion to have one day Curve Lake residents and membership only Pow Wow celebration. Just saying……..

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    Janine Knott says:

    I agree with an option for members one day and public on 2nd day, members can attend both if they wish, I also agree vendors both craft and food contribute to success and overall experience of traditional foods and crafts. mmmmm indian tacos

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