Employer / Employee
Gaming Revenue Fund
Governance and Nation Building
Health and Family Services
Housing, Public Works and Capital
Lands and Environment
Rights and Resources, Consultation and Culture
Youth Council
Committees are responsible for developing laws and policies that the Curve Lake First Nation Administration implements. All committee meetings are open to members. Individuals who are interested in participating in a meeting can contact the Executive Assistant to Chief & Council at
Economic Development, Tourism and Employment
Councillors Jeffrey Jacobs and Steve Toms
The Economic Development Committee is appointed by and is under the direction of Council. The committee’s mandate is to encourage a strong local economy, tourism and employment opportunities for CLFN members.
In accordance with its mandate, the objectives of the committee are to:
- Recommend policies and procedures to Council for approval
- Review relevant, current and proposed legislation and programs
- Reduce the barriers members of Curve Lake First Nation face as they relate to business development, economic development and employment and training
- Review financials of community owned businesses
- Provide community feedback on special projects
- Completed a Feasibility Study for the new Commercial Centre (currently in detailed design stage)
- Completed a Tourism Feasibility study to investigate economic opportunities in the industry
- Ongoing investigation in opportunities for own-source revenue
Councillors Arnold Taylor and Sean Conway
The Education Committee has a mandate from Council to:
- Develop and recommend policies and procedures to Council for approval
- Review current and proposed legislation to determine impact to the First Nation and/or its members, and report same to Council with recommendations for appropriate action
- Deal with any other issues referred to committee by community membership, staff, and Council including first level appeals of post-secondary funding decisions
- Review policy at least once per term of office and recommend required policy or procedural changes to Council for approval.
The objectives of the Education Committee are to:
- Ensure membership receive all education services in an equitable and consistent manner
- Reviewed and updated Post-Secondary Policy
Councillors Jeffrey Jacobs and Laurie Hockaday
The Employee/Employer Committee has a mandate from Council to support and ensure that principles established within the Human Resource Management Policy are upheld and the professional relationship is honoured.
- Council will make the final decision on any changes to the current organizational structure and/or policies
- The current level of professional services will not be compromised, and should improve
- Support positive and safe working conditions within the administration of the First Nation
- The First Nation Organization, through this policy, is seeking clarity and consistency in its relationship with its employees
- Recommendations for positive change must incorporate fiscal responsibility;
- This Committee does not have a mandate to negotiate on behalf of any or all employees of the First Nation
- Act as a liaison between staff and Council
- Implement the Employee Recognition program
- Provide general support to the management of Human Resources within the FirstNation
- Facilitate positive working relationships within the First Nation Organization
- Report to Council on suggested recommendations for positive change
- Hear and provide decisions and/or suggested resolutions to EmployeeGrievances
- Identify areas of ongoing concern
- Reviewed grievances
Councillors Laurie Hockaday and Ken Jacobs
The Finance Committee has a mandate from Council to administer and develop Financial Policy while ensuring Financial Controllership and that internal/external reporting is maintained.
The objectives (or main activities/roles and responsibilities) of the Finance Committee:
- Ensure Internal/External Financial Reporting occurs in a timely manner
- Financial policies are reviewed and amended as required
- Ensure Finance training is available to all program staff
- Provide a leadership role coordinating, reviewing and communicating ALL program budgets to Council
- Work with Investment Manager to review and reassess current long-term investment strategy
- Assist Finance Unit to secure training, hardware and software to maximize efficiencies and cost savings
- Ensure Contract Management (RFP) process is transparent
Reviewed and recommended to council:
- Annual audited financial statements
- Annual budgets
- Investment policy
- Financial Code
Gaming Revenue Fund
Councillors Nodin Knott and Deborah Jacobs
The goal of the GRF is to provide access to financial resources to assist applicants in achieving desired goals and objectives for the betterment of the First Nation.
- To ensure funds are approved according to OFNLP as well as policies and procedures, approved by GRF, Finance Committee and C&C
- Process funding requests in a timely manner
- Verify in kind contributions
- Report regularly to C&C of any changes to policy and of any funding activity or decisions
- Funded: trapping convention, outdoor skating rink, ancestors memorial, golf for members, Emergency Repair Program, Septic Remediation, and many more
Governance and Nation Building
Councillors Jeffrey Jacobs and Laurie Hockaday
The Governance and Nation Building Committee is appointed under the direction of Council. It has a mandate from Council to improve the governance structures and processes of CLFN that combine traditional and modern practices.
In accordance with its mandate, the objectives of the committee are to:
- Recommend policies and laws to council for approval
- Make recommendations to council about devolution of powers from ISC/CIRNAC to other parties
- Make recommendations to council about CLFN’s relationships with extra territorial bodies like COO, AFN, MIRR, and ISC/CIRNAC
- Reviewed and recommended Chi-Naaknigewin to Council
Health & Family Services
Councillors Steve Toms and Nodin Knott
The Health and Family Services Committee has a mandate from Council to:
- Develop and recommend to Council for approval, policy and procedures
- Review current and proposed legislation and to determine the impact to the First Nation and report to Council for appropriate action and
- Deal with any other issues referred to by Committee
The objectives (or main activities/roles and responsibilities) of the Health and Family Services Committee are to:
- Ensure Health Services are provided to CLFN membership
- Ensure Health Services Policies and Procedures are adhered to
- Review of Anishinabek Child Well-being Law
- Reviewed and recommended to council Funeral Policy and Procedures
- Recommended participation in ICES
Housing, Public Works & Capital
Councillors Sean Conway, Ken Jacobs and Deborah Jacobs
The Housing and Public Works Committee is a committee appointed by and under the direction of council. Its mandate is to enhance access to and quality of housing and public works for CLFN members.
In accordance with its mandate, the objectives of the committee are to:
- Recommend policy and procedures to council for approval
- Recommend funding solutions to continue housing investments to finance committee
- Recommend an annual construction/renovation/financing plan to the Council describing the number of dwellings to be built and repaired based on information provided by the Housing Coordinator respecting the number of applications for new housing and housing renovation assistance and loans and available finances
- Provide community input into special projects including, but not limited to subdivisions
- Annually review existing rent and mortgage rates and recommend changes to Council when detailed analysis warrants change
- Updated housing program applications
- Updated wells and septics loans applications
- Reviewed and recommended Small Animal Bylaw
Councillors Deborah Jacobs and Nodin Knott
The Rights and Resources Committee is a committee appointed by and under the direction of council. Its mandate is to provide cultural guidance for the protection, management, and use of Kinomaagewapkong.
In accordance with its mandate, the objectives of the committee are to:
- Recommend policies and procedures to council for approval
- Review the current relationship with Ontario Parks/ MNRF, any proposed changes, and recommend options to council
Lands & Environment
Councillors Deborah Jacobs and Sean Conway
The Lands & Environment Committee is a committee appointed by and under the direction of council. The committee has a mandate to enable responsible development and mitigation of the effects of climate change on CLFN reserve lands and fee simple lands.
In accordance with its mandate, the objectives of the committee are to:
- Recommend to Council for approval, policy, laws, and procedures
- Review current and proposed legislation to determine impact to the First Nation and report same to Council for appropriate action
- Processed large amount of community input for Land Use Plan
- Recommendations location of new seniors facility and subdivision
- Septic Remediation Policy
Rights & Resources, Consultation & Culture
Councillors Steve Toms and Sean Conway
The Rights and Resources Committee is a committee appointed by and under the direction of council. Its mandate is to protect the collective rights and resources of CLFN primarily from external development that impairs these collective rights.
In accordance with its mandate, the objectives of the committee are to:
- Recommend policy and procedures to council for approval
- Share traditional knowledge and expertise with consultation staff, legal counsel, and council to enable a proactive duty to consult program
- Meet regularly with the community to solicit the above information with staff
This is a new committee - accomplishments to come
Youth Council
Chief Keith Knott, Councillors Jeffrey Jacobs and Nodin Knott
The Youth Committee has a mandate from Council to act on behalf of members 15 to 25 years of age.
The objectives (or main activities/roles and responsibilities) of the Youth Committee are to:
- Share ideas about the needs of local youth and identify those to Chief and Council
- Bring young people together in a supportive and sharing way and to be a collective voice for youth
- Advocate for programs, activities and services that best meet the needs of Community youth
- Provide opportunities for youth to develop leadership skills
- Get youth involved in decisions affecting their future
- Participation in Santa Clause Parade
- Participation in MP Monsef Youth Council