The Economic Development department is focused on community growth in the areas of business start-up and expansion, new ventures, job creation, skills development, business infrastructure improvement, beautification, and creating an environment that welcomes development. Our Vision for the Mississaugas of Curve Lake First Nation is self-sufficiency for the individuals and for the community, with a land base, an economy and infrastructure to meet the needs of our community. The Economic Development Committee and Department are guided by a mission statement “to provide for the creation of a prosperous community” while adhering to the values that “all community economic development will be socially, culturally and environmentally appropriate to Curve Lake First Nation.” In its simplest form, Community Economic Development (CED) can be described as action taken locally by a community to provide economic opportunities and improve social conditions in a sustainable way, particularly for those who are most disadvantaged. CED is a participatory process by which communities initiate and generate their own solutions to economic problems leading to positive concrete changes in communities by:
  • Creating employment
  • Stabilizing local economies
  • Reducing poverty
  • Contributing to the health of the natural environment
  • Building on local resources and capacities
  • Increasing community control
Our Economic Development team consists of three permanent positions to best suit the needs of the community:
  • Economic Development Coordinator
  • Economic Development and Tourism Officer
  • Employment and Training Officer
We are currently working to move a number of priorities forward that were developed through a strategic planning process and the development of an economic leakage study. These include:
  • The Development of a Commercial Centre at Lot 14
  • Tourism Development and Marketing
  • An aquaculture and aquaponics facility
  • A rural transportation system – The Link
  • A sustainable farm at the Oshkiiggamong Gitigaan property (formerly Kidd property)
  • Community signage and beautification
  • Entrepreneurship supports


The Employment programs and services are designed to assist our members with accessing funds and operating programs that will build capacity and create employment opportunities within the community. These include:
  • Summer Work Experience Program
The program offers employment opportunities to Curve Lake First Nation youth over the summer months, which allows the next generation to gain work experience and develop or enhance essential employability skills.
  • Employment Resource Centre – Nda’nokiitaage’ogamig
The Employment Resource Centre is located at the Andrew's Building, 1787 Curve Lake Road. Clients and community members are welcome to come in and browse our job boards, develop or update a resume, search for jobs online and request assistance with applying for Kavita Mikam funded programs. Our First Nation is visited by some 80,000 to 100,000 friends, family, business travelers, and tourists annually. There is a variety of things to do and see while in Curve Lake from visiting with local artists and craftspeople at the Whetung’s Art Gallery and Craft Shop to a shoreline dinner with a local fishing guide. Of all surrounding First Nations, Curve Lake is the only one to operate a full-time Cultural Centre. Visitors to our community are more than welcome to come and share what our First Nation has to offer.

Parks and Trails

  • Henrys Gamiing Park
  • Lance Wood Park
  • Marshland Boardwalk (located at Henry’s Gamiing Park)
  • Walking Trail (connects Henry’s Gamiing Park to Lance Wood Park)

Community Events/Activities

  • Aboriginal Day Celebrations – Held annually on June 21st 
  • Cultural Day Activities
  • Remembrance Day – Held annually on November 11th
  • Pride Week – Second week of July
  • Family Day Activities
  • Community Easter Gathering
  • Community Halloween Party
  • Annual Curve Lake Pow Wow – Third weekend in September
  • Christmas Tree Lighting
  • Santa Claus Parade
Our members would like to remind visitors to be respectful of our First Nation including obeying the local speed limits and refraining from littering.  
CEDI partners
Boardwalk at Henry’s Gaamiing
Small Business Centre