Parents/Guardians of KPRDSB and PVNCCDSB students,
You are required to declare to the Provincial School Boards if your child/youth will be participating in online/remote learning for the new school term, by WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19, 2020. Students not registered will be expected to be physically at school on September 8, 2020.
Information can be found at the links below;
If you have any difficulty accessing the information or have any questions, please reach out to me, Education Manager, Louise Musgrave via email I can assist by connecting you with the appropriate School Board personnel if I do not have the information you request.
It is understandable that parents are struggling to make the right decision; you can arrange a phone call with me through my email address, please state times to call and a phone number. Only you know what is best for your child/youth and your families and I respect and support your decision.
Please share with families who may not have access to social media.
Respectfully, Louise Musgrave