Septic Remediation Program – Pump-out dates have been set, call to book your septic pump out!

The Septic Remediation Program dates have been set for the septic pumps in Curve Lake; June 26 to 28th and July 4th to 6th.

This program will allow Curve Lake First Nation members to have their septic tanks pumped out for a discounted price of $50.00. The regular price is anywhere from $180.00 to $250.00. First come, first served; there are 24 spaces available. Lids must be accessible on the day of the pumping. 

The intent of this program is to address the environmental effects and public health and safety issues associated with improperly functioning individual onsite waste water systems (septic systems). It is in the best interest of our entire community to ensure that our land and water is protected and healthy.

For more information, please contact Alison Irons-Cummings, Lands Manager at 705-657-8045 ext. 211 or