Summer Student Employment Opportunities for Curve Lake First Nation


APPLICATION DEADLINE IS: 12:00 PM on Friday, June 15, 2018

As outlined in the Curve Lake First Nation Human Resource Management Manual, applications are now being accepted for the following Summer Student positions:

Positions Available

Click here for the Summer Student Employment Positions package and application forms

Eligibility Criteria
•All applicants must be a student between the ages of 15 and 30 at the start of the Summer Student Program.
•All applicants must have been a registered full-time student at the end of 2017/2018 academic year and be returning to school in the 2018/2019 academic year.

Application Procedure
CLFN Student Application Forms and Individual Summer Student Position Descriptions are available at the Reception Desk at the Government Services Building and the Employment Resource Centre.

A complete Application Package consists of:
(Please use this as a checklist before handing in your application package)
•Cover Letter indicating which position(s) you are applying for
•Completed CLFN Student Application Form
•CPIC ◄REMEMBER! Must be attached to application or proof of receipt that application has been made. Successful candidates will be reimbursed.
•Current Resume
•One (1) Reference that includes Name, Address and Phone Number

Applications are to be submitted to:
Summer Student Selection Committee
Curve Lake First Nation Government Services Building
22 Winookeedaa Street, Curve Lake, ON K0L 1R0
or faxed to: 705-657-8708 or emailed to:

Please ensure that your Application Package is received at the Reception Desk at the Government Services Building.

Please be advised that preference will be given to Status Members of Curve Lake First Nation

Interviews will be held the evenings of June 18, 19 and 20th